Made in America Master List

How do I return an item?


If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 14 days of receipt and receive a free replacement or full refund for the price of the product. Shipping charges will not be refunded unless the return is a result of our error. The returned item(s) must be unused in order to receive a refund.

If your order should arrive damaged, please return the purchase, along with its original packaging, and we will issue either a replacement or full refund, along with any additional shipping charges.

Please include with your return the following information: your order number, the shipping id or item number, a brief description of the reason for the return, and let us know whether you are seeking a refund or replacement.

We strongly encourage you to return your item via a trackable method.

Please send returns to the following address:

Craftmaster Printers
687 North Dean Road
Auburn, AL 36830
Attn: Debra Dobbs